HP 676946-001 – HP E5-2430 (2.20GHz – 6C) CPU
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Xeon E5-2430. Processor family: Intel® Xeon® E5 Family, Processor socket: LGA 1356 (Socket B2), Processor lithography: 32 nm. Memory channels: Triple-channel, Maximum internal memory supported by processor: 384 GB, Memory types supported by processor: DDR3-SDRAM. Supported instruction sets: AVX, Scalability: 2S. Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT): VT-d,VT-xFaster Access
A number of technologies have been added or upgraded to improve I/O bandwidth, gain faster access to commonly used programs and files, allow applications to run faster, increase data throughput, and improve the performance of disc-intensive retrieval applications.
Advanced Data and System Security
Built-in, advanced security features help you deflect catastrophic security breaches, and redundant storage capabilities protect your business data in the event of a hard drive failure.
24/7 Reliability
The Intel® Xeon® processor platform is built for all day, every day reliability. Centralized data backup and critical security updates further help reduce the risk of costly downtime.